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I’m having a baby

​​​Preparing for parenthood? Getting ready for your new arrival involves a number of practical steps. We’ve summarised the most important tips below so that you can set your financial concerns aside and concentrate on bringing a new baby into this world.


Choose your hospital wisely


  • Your labour and delivery costs will vary greatly depending on where the hospital is located. A hospital in Brussels, for example, will charge you more than an equivalent hospital in Flanders or Wallonia.
  • The room type (e.g. single- vs double-occupancy room) is also an important factor. The supplemental doctors' fees associated with a stay in a single room can quickly add up and can only be claimed back if your coverage also includes single-room occupancy. If not, you will have to pay for the costs out-of-pocket. 

Be sure to check your policy beforehand to find out exactly what's included in your plan.


Prepare your admission in advance


Report the name of the hospital and the expected due date to AG Insurance in advance.

We'll open up a case file for you to keep track of all medical expenses incurred before, during and after the delivery. This includes labour and delivery costs, but also outpatient costs:

  • Expenses for antenatal and postnatal care such as appointments with the doctor or gynaecologist and prescription medication are eligible for coverage
  • You can claim back these costs within a specific timeframe before and after the birth of your child. The length of this period varies depending on the type of plan you have. Make sure you check before you give birth.

Click on "Overnight hospitalisation" to report your upcoming admission.


Enrol your newborn baby in the plan right away


It's a good idea to enrol your little bundle of joy in your plan straight away. If you do so within the first three months, your baby will be enrolled without having to complete any medical formalities or waiting period.


What about maternity leave?


  • Pregnant employees are legally required to take time starting one week before the due date until the ninth week after the birth.
  • During your maternity leave, your Sickness Fund will pay you a replacement income equivalent to 82% of your salary (up to the maximum cap).

Stop in at your Sickness Fund for more information. They'll tell you what you need to do to collect your statutory maternity pay.  

Tip: Does your hospital plan also entitle you to extra services? If so, then you can call in a cleaning service to keep your home neat and tidy once you've been released from the hospital. Additional services include maternity care and housekeeping. Be sure to request these services before or immediately after your admission.


Check your policy or agreement to find out more about the applicable terms of reimbursement.

Have insurance coverage through your employer? If so, then you can check your covers on MyAG Employee Benefits​. Don't delay, log​ in today!