Whether or not you can claim back room surcharges and supplemental doctors' fees will depend on the covers included in your plan.
Do you have an individual plan (AG Care and Hospitalisation Plus)?
AG applies a policy of hospital segmentation. We therefore cover all medical expenses in the vast majority of hospitals, regardless of the type of room selected.
However, if you choose a single room in an expensive hospital (e.g. a university hospital or a hospital in Brussels), you will have to pay half the hospital bill yourself. To obtain a full refund, you can add the "university option" and "SL option" to your plan.
Do you have coverage through your employer?
If so, then you will generally be covered if you opt to stay in a single room. Note, however, that a deductible is often applicable to stays in a single room. The deductible is also often higher than if you choose a shared room.
For more details on this subject, check the terms and conditions of your healthcare insurance or contact your HR department.
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